Learn how to train and use your voice like a pro with this step-by-step course!
Learn Voice Training!
Have you always wanted to begin your journey in voice acting? Across the modern media landscape, there are many different places where the interpretive talents of the professional voice actor are used. Regardless your level as an actor, speaker, or storyteller, this is the course for you. Maybe you want to take care of your voice or know how to improve your breathing capacities. Whether you enjoy telling stories and jokes or hoping to make a career out of it, voice acting isn’t only for the pros. You can take your voice, explore it, and create greater sound and better control – and we’re here to teach you how.
In this course, you’re going to learn everything about Voice Training, from the anatomy of your voice box and learning breath control to improve the quality, range, and stamina of your voice. You’ll even learn vocal exercises and warm-ups geared to enhance the sound of your singing voice. You will also learn how to make your presentation more powerful and more memorable.
Our instructor has years of experience not only in voice training, but also in teaching and the expertly-crafted syllabus is designed to be easy to follow and thorough. We’ve even included plenty of examples explained for you to study. That’s why this is the only Voice Training course you’ll ever need to explore your voice and start acting, presenting, and narrating like a pro!
Start voice training today!
After taking this course, you will be able to:
Create your own warm-up
Bring uniqueness to any interpretation
Prepare your voice for any performance
Change your voice using the resonators
Identify the role of posture in voice training
Understand the flow of air through your body
Develop your own style, find your signature voice
Learn how to train and use your voice like a pro with this step-by-step course!»
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