Pass the IRS Special Enrollment Examination in 80 days. Become a data scientist with domain knowledge!

Data are omnipresent these days and that what is scarce are the talent … needed to make sense of these data. It is an interesting time to be a data scientist. Because an intellectual pursuit for an educated citizen in the digital age is important, even if one does not necessarily aspire to become a data scientist. But the job requires a person, who is open-minded, easy to communicate enough to analyze, interpret, and present data in meaningful, understandable ways across domains – a wide span involves science, business, education, government agencies, and industries of all variety.

In this course you will learn data scientist alternative skills in taxation by passing the IRS (U.S. Taxes; Internal Revenue Service) Special Enrollment Examination (EES) to become an Enrolled Agent (EA). EAs, like attorneys and certified public accountants (CPAs), are unrestricted as to which taxpayers they can represent, what types of tax matters they can handle, and which IRS offices they can practice before. The 3 IRS EES exams are below.

  • Part 1 – Individual Tax

  • Part 2 – Business Tax

  • Part 3 – Representation, Practice and Procedures

Don’t worry if you have no experience in tax or accounting knowledge, you will learn everything you could pass the exam with a real question bank.

I hope this course can help you in your data scientist journey. And you will receive a certification from both Udemy and IRS (if your enrollment got approved).

80 Days of Tax: Alternatives to Data Scientists

Pass the IRS Special Enrollment Examination in 80 days. Become a data scientist with domain knowledge!»

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