Setup your lab, Install WSUS, administrate your WSUS server and clients, learn WSUS troubleshooting and MUCH more…
In this course we’ll provide you with the needed skills to understand, configure, deploy and use WSUS (Windows Server Update Services). We’ll start with the basics and work our way up to some more advanced features.
Whether you are currently responsible for patching computers or looking at just upskilling this course it perfect for you. We’ll cover the steps that are used by System Administrators and Analysts in thousands of companies across the globe.
In this course we’ll provide you with –
An overview on what is WSUS
Steps to setup and prepare your lab and Windows Server environment
Skills to setup, configure and use WSUS
Steps on how to get Computers and Servers working with WSUS
The expertise on how to troubleshoot common WSUS issues
Some optional videos on how to build a domain controller and Active Directory
Do I need to be an expert?
No, this course is designed for people who are excited about technology and may be either working in technology or looking at getting more into IT, but it would help if you have sufficient skills around common computer and network technologies.
Why this course?
This course will be easy to understand, and will provide you with the key WSUS and Server skills needed as you work your way into becoming a technology expert!
Continuing to improve on your tech skills more and more will help you in being a highly skilled and sought after IT professional!
Setup your lab, Install WSUS, administrate your WSUS server and clients, learn WSUS troubleshooting and MUCH more…»
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