Strategies to improve your email writing skills to save time & optimize your business communication «Leadership/Manages»

+10 000 Students this year!

For most of us, email is the most common form of business communication so it’s important to get it right. Although emails usually aren’t as formal as letters, they still need to be professional to present a good image of you and your company.

**Over 350 000+ managers have taken this course with successful results**

Once the career fair is over, you’ll probably walk out with more business cards than you can count. Whether you get asked to do an interview the next day or not, it is always a good idea to follow up with the companies you were interested in. Doing so will allow you to make connections for future opportunities! Here are some tips and tricks for writing a successful and meaningful professional email.

We will highlight this training below topics :


A. Types of emails

B. The basics of writing the perfect subject line for your email

C. Manage the structure of your emails

D. How to associate actions in emails (using The «3Ws» stand for: Who, What, and When.)

E. Good practice for making your emails scannable


A. Respond to urgent emails immediately

B. Use «logical connectors»:

C. Present options instead of open-ended questions

D. Automate the sending of repetitive emails

E. Show screenshot instead of expressing in words

F. Write the perfect out-of-office auto-reply (OOO)


A. How to properly designate recipients

B. Learn how to add a signature to your emails

C. How to correctly use the «Reply to all» option

D. Best practices for sending attachments

E. Scheduling Meetings Using Outlook

F. Create e-mail management rules

Write Better Email: Technics for Clever communication

Strategies to improve your email writing skills to save time & optimize your business communication «Leadership/Manages»»

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