Rust Programming Fundamentals

Join Nathan Stocks for a fast-paced, entertaining, and curiously informative hands-on crash course in the Rust programming language.

This course will provide you with the fundamentals you need to boost you up Rust’s steep learning curve.  This is a hands-on course with targeted exercises for each subject and projects for you to use your combined knowledge.  From using cargo to create a project, to writing your code, to compiling and running it, this course has everything you need to get started. This course is kept up-to-date when Rust is updated with new features or major editions.

Rust is a systems programming language that eliminates entire classes of bugs and security vulnerabilities, has zero-cost abstractions like C and C++, is fun to program in, and lets systems programmers have nice things. No wonder Rust is gaining traction in spaces as diverse as game engines, high-performance computing, embedded devices, and web programming! Learn how to write high-performance code without the worry of crashes or security vulnerabilities. Join a vibrant community of developers where diversity, inclusion, and just plain being nice are all first-class objectives.

This course is the first in the Ultimate Rust series. If you like this course, then you’ll love Ultimate Rust 2: Intermediate Concepts afterwards!

Ultimate Rust Crash Course

Rust Programming Fundamentals»

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