Learn how to build and deliver this highly effective process mapping technique

Being able to process map time and financial waste within your company’s processes is a skill highly in demand in today’s workforce. In this course, we cover off the key information you will need in order to build and deploy the highly effective process mapping tool (with a difference) that is the Time Value Map. The Time Value Mapping tool is one that enables you to see all types of waste within your process (activities, waiting time, hand offs etc.) whilst also enabling you to quantify this waste in terms of minutes lost and dollars spent.

Within this course we:

– Look at the fundamentals of the topic – the importance, purpose and history of the tool.

– Identify when you should deploy the tool.

– Assess the step by step process to follow in order to build the tool.

– Run through practical demonstrations of the tool, given in the various formats within which the tool can be deployed.

By the end of this course, you will be able to deploy this tool in a range of different environments and scenarios. It will give you the fantastic ability to become more analytical and focused when dealing with processes. You’ll be able to add real value to your organization by being able to show where there is waste, where there is opportunity and how your processes can be reformed to address both.

Time Value Map

Learn how to build and deliver this highly effective process mapping technique»

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