learn English grammar in the right way, improve the way you speak, write confidently, be proud of yourself
This course is designed for learners who have a basic understanding of grammar but who want to learn more and improve their skills for everyday speaking.
what are you going to learn:
how to use Gerunds in English
how to use Infinitives in English
master the difference between gerunds and Infinitives
master the habitual past
model verbs
adverbs of time
adverbs of place
adverbs of manner
adverbs of degree
the definite article
the passive voice
the present perfect tense.
Why should I study grammar?
You should study whatever you can that can help you reach your goals.
For many language learners, the goal is to communicate with people.
If improving your understanding of grammar helps you become a better communicator, it is a good idea to study it.
This is a great way of thinking about grammar for language learners who want to communicate better. Through grammar study, you can become more familiar with common phrasings and gain a deeper understanding of what the words and phrases really mean.
With this knowledge you can understand more of what you read and hear, and form your own sentences with confidence.
reasons to study grammar
Here are three reasons to study grammar if you want to be a better communicator.
Different languages have different structures. Improving your knowledge of and using English structures makes it easier for English speakers to understand you.
Grammar provides the framework, knowing basics of what people say helps you understand vocabulary you don’t know.
It’s a shortcut – get lots of useful examples when you need them so you can make sense of how the language works.
learn English grammar in the right way, improve the way you speak, write confidently, be proud of yourself»
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