Master Splunk not only Theoretically but also Practically! with many hands-on labs and real life scenarios! Exam Prep
The best hands-on labs course for learning Splunk and crack the Splunk enterprise Certified Admin Course, the leader in real-time monitoring, log management, and SIEM (security information and event management).
I am going to get you to the point to be an Expert on the Splunk Technology so you are not going to only pass this exam, but also to help you become a subject matter expert in the world of SIEM.
This Course is designed specifically for you, and I have divided it into milestones, each milestone starts with the concept so you can grasp it and then we end the section with a demo lab. At the end of this course, I walk you through a life scenario where we will simulate different use cases from a customer’s prospective and we start building our lab from the design aspect, then we move to the deployment phase and finally we implement those use cases by deploying different apps as well as creation of custom app which are part of the data onboarding process.
Your instructor is Saif Al-Shoker, a Splunk Certified core Consultant and Architect with over 10 years of experience in the security domain, 5 years splunking and hold two master degrees.
Don’t buy poor quality courses! This course is a free high quality that I will take you step by step to successfully deploy Splunk in a distributed architecture design, through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to be a successful Splunk Administrator, please check the content.
Look no further ! This is the most comprehensive full LAB implementation —course that covers the latest versions of Splunk Enterprise
In this class, we will cover everything on the exam blueprint. We will provide you with the tools you need to pass the exam and get certified with Tons of Labs!
Whether you’ve inherited a Splunk environment, are building one from scratch, or are simply curious about Splunk, this course was designed specifically for you!
We’ll cover it all…
I remember my first time when I started to learn Splunk, I didn’t know where to start and with all the information out there makes it even harder to grasp, so today I am putting my self in your shoes to help you conquer this complexity .so I have designed this course specially for you
Master Splunk not only Theoretically but also Practically! with many hands-on labs and real life scenarios! Exam Prep»
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