How to unit test your code and develop it the test driven way

You would like to learn the PHP  testing framework PHPUnit and use it in the Test Driven Development (TDD) way ?
This course is the right starting point for anybody who woulds like to get in this new development approacht,
learn the basic concepts of TDD and functionality of PHP Unit. Learn to write better and testable code with the TDD approach and say goodbye to long times of debugging after coding, when you write your code by the test first approach.

– Install PHP Unit with Composer
– Use PHPUnit in Linux or windows shell
– Checkout course material from GIT
– Test Driven Development basics
– Writing Test Cases in PHPUnit
– Executing PHPUnit Tests
– Using data providers
– Testing exceptions and output

This cources comes with a free example repository, downloadable as zip or accessible via gitlab,
see the optimal mix of practical and theoretical approaches and feel free to send in questions at any time.

As an Author i created this course to share my experience about PHPUnit.
During my long year experience as software developer, tester and scrum master i collected a huge amount of experiences, i share the most useful project experience and tipps in this software course to give you the optimal start into the world of test driven development with phpunit.
TDD will bring your software coding skills to a next level, will you enable to write better software aswell to have more fun while coding.

Hope to see you in the course,
with best regards
John Behrens

Test Driven Development with PHP Unit

How to unit test your code and develop it the test driven way»

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