Unlock your Smartphone’s full video potential with this complete step by step guide
Welcome to the most complete Smartphone Videography Course!
In this Mastrclass we will go through everything you need to know on how to shoot and edit videos with your smartphone.
More specifically, we are going to master everything from how your smartphone camera works, frame rates and resolution, to how to stabilize your videos, producing smooth camera movements, the correct placement of lights and common composition principles to how to easily edit your videos to amazing movies.
In todays modern world, where information flows through video format, and we all have access to those very versitile tools on our pockets, knowing some basic videography principles and how to edit videos can really differentiate you from the rest and will make you very usefull and valuable.
This is why I created this course in which we will go through all of the key principles to help you undestand how video works and how to produce professional looking videos with your smartphone
More specifically, with the completion of this course you will learn:
All the different gear there is to invest in
What Frame Rate and Resolution is
Basic Composition Principles
In Camera Transitions
7 Ways to Stabilize your Clips
How to Light a Scene
Shooting Indoors
Shooting Outdoors
How to Vlog
How to Edit A Roll
How to Edit B Roll
Sound Design Basics
This class if for everyone that wants to learn videography and utilise the full potential of their smartphones without having to invest in expensive videography gear.
Unlock your Smartphone’s full video potential with this complete step by step guide»
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