Revit Architecture Modeling
This Revit Architecture training builds an understanding related to the software; and moves on to explain how to create projects, as well as deal with wall, door, windows and roof modelling. In Addition, we prepared how to create our own families, Site Plans, and Stairs. Participants additionally develop expertise in working with Revit.
The Complete Guide is designed to give you a solid understanding of Revit Architecture, its features and capabilities, from the basics to the most advanced and complex topics.
If you are interested in automated drawing, design, or architecture this is the right course for you!
Students will learn the different uses for masses in early conceptual design. Next will be lessons for visualization and rendering including the application of materials and the placement and importance of lighting. Students will learn the importance and value of setting up a project template to consistently control standards and prepopulate projects with needed content. More family editing is covered in this class beyond what is taught in the Revit Architecture Intermediate class.
Always had a keen interest in architecture?
Better appreciate the different architectural elements of a building through this introductory course, where you will be introduced to a building information modelling software, Autodesk Revit Architecture.
Participants will be guided to navigate the software’s user interface. The course will also provide the chance for participants to familiarise themselves with a range of drawing tools to design various elements like walls, floors, windows, ceilings, and more!
There will also be hands-on sessions during lessons to help participants develop their architectural drawing skills.
Revit Architecture Modeling»
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