30 strategies to get rid of your smartphone addiction

This course is by no means a course in treating nomophobia, which is the term for the fear of losing one’s phone, and an abbreviation for No More Phone (NoMoPhone/Phobia). It is merely a set of activities that anyone can do in an attempt to control and reduce the use and abuse of time spent on a smartphone. The average time spent online is around 7 hours per day, and most of it is done via a smartphone. Unfortunately, it is not quality time, meaning that most of it is spent doing virtually nothing, just browsing meaningless.

So if you know you are having a problem with the time you spend on your smartphone or a specialist told you that you should get treatment, then do that. Look for professional treatment to the problem you identified and use this course only as a plus, to help you strengthen the professional treatment you receive.

Instead, if you can control your addictive behaviors or even better, you don’t have any, but still want some simple strategies to be more productive and waste less time doing nothing while online, this course is for you. Learn through 30 simple and time proven strategies how to stop wasting time and energy and regain control over your behaviors.

Quit your smartphone addiction with(in) 30 days challenges

30 strategies to get rid of your smartphone addiction»

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