Learn basics of Chillers & chilled water system inside the district cooling plant with examples and parts description
Hi! Welcome to our course. If you are starting to study in the HVAC industry, or wished to gain more knowledge in an area that seems complicated and confusing to most people, you are on the right course!. This Course covers the Chilled water system in the district cooling plant and inside the building through heat exchangers, Air handling units, and FCU’s, it will build your knowledge slowly until you reach the point that you can evaluating, selecting, and sizing chillers for a typical chiller plant. In this course you’ll Study :
Chilled Water System overview.
System Components.
Work process overview.
Components Description.
How to Design CWS.
Flow Rate Calculation.
Cooling Capacity.
Pipe Sizing Calculation.
Pressure Drop Calculation.
Pump pressure.
Pump horse Power.
Chiller Efficiency.
How To Improve Chiller Efficiency.
How to calibrate your system.
How to control the system in different loads.
Chilled water schematic.
Chiller / Pump /AHU-FCU / Condenser – Hook up.
Plus that you’ll gain more information about HVAC industry.
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Learn basics of Chillers & chilled water system inside the district cooling plant with examples and parts description»
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