“How to Paint: From Beginner to Master” Still Life Painting Is designed to teach anyone from beginner to moderate, the fundamentals of painting a still life using Oil Paint. Watch me demonstrate every lesson, step by step as I go into incredible detail of every aspect of creating a painting from start to finish! From explaining exactly how to mix every color down to the percentage of paint- to what direction to apply brushstrokes while painting a subject. You’ll get a first hand-close up view that you could never get in a classroom! This course teaches you a traditional process of doing a painting. We start with the fundamentals- from setting up your work area to the brushes you should use- then I guide you thought the process of doing a still like painting, step by step to completion. By the end of the course you’ll have done the painting you see in the course commercial and have a working knowledge of how to properly paint a still life on your own! This is a guided course, so you won’t be left to figure anything out on your own, I’ll walk you through everything from finding the right supplies and how to take care of them, to applying the final glaze on your paintings- and everything in-between!
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