Learn How to Configure OpenVpn ,pptp ,l2tp ,sstp Remote To Site And Site Over Rip In Real Labs With DDNS And Public Ip
You Will Learn In This Course :
-what is vpn
-open isp closed ports understanding port Forwarding , Port Triggering , DMZ Zone
-how we can implement vpn in Real Labs using public ip addresse And Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
-what is pptp and implement pptp Remote To site And Site To Site Over Rip Routing protocol in real lab using (public ip Or DDNS)
-what is OpenVpn and implement OpenVpn Remote To site And Site To Site Over Rip Routing protocol in real lab using (public ip Or DDNS)
-what is L2tp and implement L2tp Remote To site And Site To Site Over Rip Routing protocol in real lab using (public ip Or DDNS)
-what is Sstp and implement Sstp Remote To site And Site To Site Over Rip Routing protocol in real lab using (public ip Or DDNS)
Learn How to Configure OpenVpn ,pptp ,l2tp ,sstp Remote To Site And Site Over Rip In Real Labs With DDNS And Public Ip»
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