Take me and be professional in Microsoft AI-100
Welcome to AI-100: Designing & Implementing an Azure AI Solution 3 practice tests – Pass guarantee
(Same duration and same questions count of a real exam)
Answers & Resources included
real exam = ( questions – 70% passing score)
1 practice test = (40 questions – 70% passing score)
Total number of questions = 175 questions / 4 tests = 40 questions each + Bonus
– if you solve these tests, you will be able to solve a real exam easily.
because these tests have the same difficulty of a real exam or higher (slightly higher difficulty) to strengthen you against the real exam.
Points covered in the Exams (Same points of a real exam): – UPDATED
Analyze solution requirements (25-30%)
Design AI solutions (40-45%)
Implement and monitor AI solutions (25-30%)
the points covered in the Exams are distributed among the Three exams this means every exam has all of these points with answers and detailed explanations and resource link to the source page of Microsoft documents for every question
Three practice tests allow you to attempt Three exams early-on during your exam-preparation to adjust your focus-areas and cut down on study time and prove your readiness to take the official exam.
you can use all Three Exams in whatever way suits your preparation workflow.
These exams are time-limited exactly like the real exam to make you stronger in solving the exam 3 times instead of one time. to make you able to solve the real exam the first time you enter.
Microsoft Azure offers a spread of services designed to work together to enable rapid development of high-performance AI solutions. This skill teaches how these Azure services work together to enable you to design, implement, operationalize, monitor, optimize, and secure your AI solutions on Microsoft Azure. This path is designed to address the Microsoft AI-100 certification exam.
Real Exam Format and Information
Exam Name :
Exam AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution
Exam Duration:
150 Minutes
Exam Type:
Multiple Choice Examination
Number of Questions:
40 – 60
Exam Fee:
Exam Validity:
2 years
Exam Languages:
English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese
Take me and be professional in Microsoft AI-100″
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