Learn, Apply, Build a Blog Project using Redux (Redux Toolkit), NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, React js, Tailwindcss

Course description:

This course is all about managing the state in react application using the redux toolkit. Each topic included in this course is added incrementally, to make sure that you have a solid foundation of knowledge. You’ll find plenty of discussions added in to help you understand exactly when and where to use

What will you build?

  • Learn how to create a real-world blog application with a bunch of features

  • Develop Node Js API from scratch

  • How to implement react js logic to real-world application

  • Understand backend authentication

  • Learn how to upload files to Cloudinary

  • Learn how to block  and unblock a user

  • Learn how to block a user by the application if  the post the user is creating contains sum profane words

  • Learn how to resize images on the server-side

  • Learn how to implement  forget password functionality

  • Learn how to implement follow and unfollow a user

  • Learn how to manage state in react using redux (redux toolkit)

  • How to implement account verification using a token

  • Learn how to implement sending Emails using Sendgrid

  • How to implement user management

  • Learn how to implement like and dislike of a post

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers looking to master MERN Stack

  • Developers who want to  move from the traditional way of writing redux application

  • Engineers who have researched React but have had trouble mastering some concepts

MERN stack complete Blog Application from scratch 2022

Learn, Apply, Build a Blog Project using Redux (Redux Toolkit), NodeJs, Express, MongoDB, React js, Tailwindcss»

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