Create Windows forms & Database Applications using VB .NET.Sharpen your Skills. Ample real life Examples shared!
This course will give you Well–Structured insights and Practical lessons on the Visual Basic dot net framework.
I will be dealing with designing Feature-rich Windows Forms Applications with VB .NET and Visual Studio IDE. Also, you will see how to completely run your applications in a Windows environment and also byte-sized example programs.
It does not matter if you have beginner or intermediate skills in programming or the VB language itself. I will guide you through simple programs and the different processes of designing, coding, and running your application through byte-sized examples.
After doing this course you will be able to:
Learn and clear your doubts about the visual studio IDE.
Clear your Concepts on VB .NET and other programming essentials.
Design Simple and Advanced Controls in Windows forms.
Learn and use various Dialog Boxes in your Programs.
Learn Important properties and events of simple and advanced controls with Visual Studio.
Use the various options available in a Visual Studio Project.
How to handle Exceptions and Errors in your Program
Build real-life applications in Dot Net language using VB .NET Windows Forms.
Learn some essential tricks of Windows Forms.
Build robust Database Applications from scratch.
and much more…
Some prerequisites for the course are listed below:
A decent PC with 4Gb RAM (At least)
Any version of Visual Studio(visual studio 2019-2022 preferred)
Some prior skills in designing and planning windows applications (optional)
The course will have ample Examples, quizzes, Assignments, and Project resources for you too! See you and just enjoy the course and be Future-ready!
Create Windows forms & Database Applications using VB .NET.Sharpen your Skills. Ample real life Examples shared!»
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