Automate building Laravel Apis , database migrations and eloquent models and relations , in the oop way of thinking
What you’ll learn
Initialization of a Laravel app using blueprint
Building blueprint yml file
Autocreation of database migrations and eloquent models
Autocreation of Controllers , and actions
Autocreation of Mailable , Jobs , Events ..
Change you whole way of thinking of Laravel and Laravel 8 apps building
Configure your blueprint to work better for you
Increase development speed
Promote Laravel conventions
Just think how your classes and objects should be in the oop way , and tell that to blueprint , and let it be built for you .
Learn php laravel code generation tool that is so intuitive and straightforward
Move from your database ERD (entity-relationship diagrams) to your fully-functioning Data Access Layer.
Get rid of repetitive tasks and routine debugging process
Get rid of name-changes headaches by writing the name only once , and leaving the conversion on blueprint
Focus on the engineering of your new product rather than the implementation itself
Fast Intro to YML / YAML Syntax
More and more contents about this topic is to be added , including the extending of several parts of blueprint , to be more great
Reaching a working Laravel api , or Laravel backend is something pretty fast , with blueprint
Even if you have an existing project, blueprint can be adopted and used very efficiently because blueprint engine won’t affect any of the existing components , it will only affect components that is created by itself , because blueprint keeps track over every change that it made .
I ‘ve set a simple kit for you so that you can apply your changes and test very fast , so that you can apply your tests in a fast way , and gain more experience on this library , so that your skills in building new apps with blueprint become dependable .
Maybe you heard about MDA tools that
Automate building Laravel Apis , database migrations and eloquent models and relations , in the oop way of thinking»
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