Learn Python Programming From Very Basics To Intermediate Level With 20+ Practical Projects [In 2022]
Learn Python Programming From Very Basics To Intermediate Level With 20+ Practical Projects This Course Is for Python Beginners As Well As Intermediate Python Developers Who Wants To Create Real-World Applications / Projects Using Python Programming Language.
Python is a programming language with many characteristics, such as an intuitive syntax and powerful data structures, which can lead to efficient code.
Python is an incredibly powerful and popular programming language. It’s one of the most popular programming languages in the world and has been used in many high-profile projects.
It’s no wonder that this, as well as experienced developers, are benefitting.
In this course, you’ll explore 20+ real-world Python projects. You’ll see how to tackle common issues such as:
Reading and writing files
Manipulating and analyzing data
Creating and using functions
Organizing code into modules and packages
Working with dates and times
Interacting with databases
Building user interfaces
By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to tackle projects of your own.
1. Screenshot Application
2. Screenshot Application With GUI Interface
3. Password Generator
4. Email Sender Application
5. COVID-19 Updater / Notifier Bot
6. OCR – Image To Text
7. Chrome Automation
8. Text To Speech
9. Speech To Text
10. Webcam Application
11. Screen Recorder
13. Face Detection
14. Weather Application
15. URL Shortener
16. Internet Speed Test
So what are you waiting For?
Enroll Now…!
Learn Python Programming From Very Basics To Intermediate Level With 20+ Practical Projects [In 2022]»
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