The Essential Incoterms Course for Logistics, Finance, Tax, Customer Service, Sales and Business Development

This course will introduce the Incoterms® 2020 and take you on a learning journey that goes well beyond the fundamentals. In addition to the basics of the Incoterms, we will explore how the terms should be correctly applied and why they can affect almost the entire organization and not just a handful of teams or individuals.

We will learn through crisp and concise lectures that include useful anecdotes, mini-quizzes and short case studies.

After you complete this course, you will be able to engage with various stakeholders both within the organization and outside the organization on topics such as:

  • How the Incoterms should be used

  • What the Incoterms do

  • What the Incoterms do NOT do

  • Roles, responsibilities, and liabilities between buyers & sellers

  • Allocation of costs between buyers & sellers

  • Transfer of risk for any shipment from the buyer to seller

  • Customs value and its relevance to the Incoterms

  • The suitability of specific Incoterms for specific modes of transport

  • Many other concepts that make your understanding of the Incoterms holistic

The course is designed to give you the edge you need to apply the Incoterms in real life!

Topics will be broken up into bite-sized chunks that have been made easy to understand. You are free to complete the course at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

With the understanding that you will gain in this course, you will be able to confidently navigate the various sources of information online and answers to any specific question you may have about Incoterms in the future.

The course is delivered primarily through presentation decks with abundant diagrams used to visually represent ideas and concepts, in order to keep things interesting for the learner.

Learn Incoterms® 2020

The Essential Incoterms Course for Logistics, Finance, Tax, Customer Service, Sales and Business Development»

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