Attend this CTFL Certification Practice Tests & you will get a Score above the 80% on Main Exam !

Being ISTQB Foundation Level ( CTFL) Certified could increase your chance to get a software teste position, could help you to get promotion, and will emphasis you to go to next levels of ISTQB Certification.

Now you are asking yourself, How to prepare and pass the ISTQB Foundation level exam? And, How long will it take? Let’s quickly find the answers to these.

I will answer the questions briefly and based on my experience.

For preparing to the exam, I have studied the syllabus (one chapter), then I have practiced on questions similar to the exam questions, after I answer the questions correctly, I moved to the next chapter and so on.

For the time the preparing will take In my opinion it depends on the person’s knowledge and experience, some people spent weeks to get well prepared others spent one month -2 months.

After you have studied the ISTQB syllabus, you need to practice on questions with similar simulation to the real exam. This practice test will help you to get well prepared for the exam and will help you to pass the exam. it include questions and answers with explaining for some answers. the exam is timed the practice test is ordered by Chapter wise. There are +160 questions with answers.

I recommend you to study the syllabus (one Chapter) well and the take the practice test for this chapter.

To be well prepared, I recommend you to get +90% for this practice exam for each chapter.

you will be scored for each chapter and then you can review your answer.

You can pause the exam and resume it at next time. you retake the exam as many times as you want.

This Practice Exam is designed to assess your knowledge and should not be taken as an indication for the result of the real exam!.

I usually ask my students to test their knowledge by taking the multiple times exams, till they get +90%.

I have helped a lot of people get ISTQB foundation level certification.

International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Certified Tester is suitable for anyone who needs to demonstrate practical knowledge of the fundamental concepts of software testing.

ISTQB Foundation Level Practice Exams (CTFL) 2022

Attend this CTFL Certification Practice Tests & you will get a Score above the 80% on Main Exam !»

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