A complete A-Z walkthrough of business proposal writing and visual design
This is a very straightforward course in which I’ll walk you through all the steps of how I would write a business proposal for a high-end service I would try to sell to large companies.
The example in this course is of me writing a business proposal for services I priced at over $100,000 that are meant to be sold to multi-million and billion dollar companies. The service I am selling is a complete Elearning setup so they can sell courses to add online courses as an additional revenue source to supplement their current revenue source.
The visual design of the business proposal will be made in Canva, which is a free design tool that anyone can use. If you don’t have Canva, they will require you to make a free account if you don’t already have an account.
Your business proposal will also be reusable as a template so you can edit parts of it to be specific to each company to which you try to sell. This way, you can initiate many sales processes simultaneously while at the same time making your potential clients feel like you spent a lot of time preparing it just for them.
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A complete A-Z walkthrough of business proposal writing and visual design»
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