Any one can study and get benefit from this course.
Welcome to the Google Cloud Professional ML Engineer Practice Exam course. This course prepares you for the types of questions you will be asked and the timed environment of the actual exam. As with the actual exam, some questions have only one correct answer, while others require you to select two or three correct answers.
Prepare for the Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Exam! This is the course that will give you the edge. The questions are based on actual exams from the past few years, grouped together in a collective so that you are best prepared for the exam. The tone and tenor of the questions are the same as the real exam, with detailed and extensive explanations. We want you to think of this course as the final pit stop so you can walk across the winning line with absolute confidence and receive your Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification! Trust our process, you are in good hands!
Each area is given the same weight as in the official Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer exam. You can take as much time as you want for each question, but you must have answered all questions on the test within the allotted time. Any questions you do not answer in the allotted time will be scored as incorrect. You can skip questions during the exam and return to the skipped questions later. To pass the exam, you must score at least 70% on the entire exam. We recommend that our students retake all of our tests until you consistently score above 90% on each test.
Skills measured
Basic features of ML problems
Develop ML solutions
Design systems for data preparation and processing
Develop ML models
Automate and orchestrate ML pipelines
onitoring, optimization and maintenance of ML solutions
Learning Objectives
Frame machine learning problems
Design a machine learning solution architecture
Prepare and process data
Develop machine learning models
Automate and orchestrate machine learning pipelines
Monitor, optimize, and maintain machine learning solutions
What does it take to earn the Google Certified Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification?
To earn this certification, you will need to enroll and pass the GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification exam by securing a minimum of 70%. The exam features multiple-choice and multiple-select question formats with 2 hours of time duration. This exam is available in English.
Cloud ML Engineer: If you wish to become a successful cloud ML engineer and provide ML-based solutions on any cloud or specifically GCP then this GCP Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification is a must-have for you.
Future Skills: You will gain enormous knowledge of cloud, ML, and AI concepts to demonstrate and provide organizations with scalable and long-term solutions by gaining expertise in these revolutionary domains.
Career Growth: You will become the most sought-after professional ML engineer and land a job role with an average of a 35% salary hike.
Sectoral Exposure: You can use the GCP ML skills to work across different job roles and different sectors such as IT, banking, healthcare, manufacturing, and so on.
What is the exam type?
Multiple Choice and Multiple Select
What is the exam Fee?
The exam costs $200.
Exam Languages
Exam Duration
120 Minutes
Any one can study and get benefit from this course.»
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