Attend this GCP Architect Certification Practice Tests & you will get a Score above the 80% on Main Exam !

According to their Google website, There are three main points you would consider

  • 87% of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in cloud skills.

  • Professional Cloud Architect is the highest-paying certification of 2019.

  • 30% of Google Cloud certified users took on more responsibility or leadership roles at work

The exam obviously does not focus on commands or in-depth knowledge of the products, but on the knowledge that a cloud architect must have to suggest designs for reliable, robust, scalable, resilient solutions etc …

The questions will almost always focus on a specific aspect, business requirement, security requirements, cost optimization, or performance, and depending on the target, different answers will have to be given.

Designing Solutions to Meet Business Requirements

✓ Designing a solution infrastructure that meets business requirements

✓ Designing a solution infrastructure that meets technical requirements

✓ Envisioning future solution improvements

Designing Solutions to Meet Technical Requirements

✓ Designing a solution infrastructure that meets technical requirements

Designing Compute Systems

✓ Designing network, storage, and compute resources ✓ 2.3 Configuring compute systems

Designing Storage Systems

✓ Configuring individual storage systems

Designing Networks

✓ Configuring network topologies

Designing for Security and Legal Compliance

✓ Designing for security

✓ Designing for compliance

Designing for Reliability

✓ Developing procedures to ensure reliability of solu- tions in production (e.g., chaos engineering, penetra- tion testing)

✓ Monitoring/logging/profiling/alerting solution

✓ Deployment and release management

✓ Assisting with the support for deployed solutions

✓ Evaluating quality control measures

Analyzing and Defining Technical Processes

✓ Analyzing and defining technical processes

Analyzing and Defining Business Processes

✓ Analyzing and defining business processes

Development and Operations

✓ Advising development/operation team(s) to ensure successful deployment of the solution

✓ Interacting with Google Cloud programmatically

Migration Planning

✓ Creating a migration plan (i.e. documents and architectural diagrams)

Google Professional Cloud Architect Practice Exams late 2022

Attend this GCP Architect Certification Practice Tests & you will get a Score above the 80% on Main Exam !»

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