A Streamlined Approach To Drawing Faces
Welcome to How To Draw Faces
Do you ever wonder why drawing faces is so hard? Seriously. We look at them every day. We look at our own, and others. So why is it so hard to draw them? Well, it’s precisely that reason! We see so many faces every day, and as a species, we’ve developed uncanny skills in differentiating the minute differences in people’s appearances. So don’t feel bad, just realize it’ll take a bit of extra effort on your part as an artist to really master this topic.
This course is designed to guide you through every step in constructing a face. From the structure, to the details, we’ll go over every step together. I’ll even show you some tips on how to simplify the process.
The attached documents to each unit are designed to be used in conjunction with the video series in this course. Print them out, or draw on it digitally, while listening to the videos. I’ve plotted out the units in the following order, but you’re welcome to go back and revisit them as often as you like.
Warm Up
Simplified Structures
Eye Brows
Head Variations
Proportional Placement
Realism vs Comic Book styles
Wrap Up
Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy this journey with me.
– Ed Foychuk
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A Streamlined Approach To Drawing Faces»
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