Your 2022 journey to az-220 Microsoft IoT Developer by building an Internet of Things Azure IoT Central Cloud prototype.

Who should take this course?

  • You’ve got an IoT (Internet of Things) project idea but find cloud services intimidating

  • You’re curious about the field of IoT (internet of things) & want to learn by building.

  • If you are a tinkerer who already has some microcontrollers prototype but little to no experience with the cloud, you’ll benefit from learning about Microsoft Azure Services to enhance your project scalability and presentation.

  • You’re considering a Microsoft AZ-220 certification but want to get a taste of what it’s about before committing.


  1. Willingness to learn (tech industry helpful but not needed since we cover topics of Cloud Computing, IoT, Microsoft Azure from scratch)

  2. No RaspberriPi, ESP32, or other additional hardware required as we will use devices already available at home

Course Style

  • No PowerPoints – most people are visual learners so I teach using whiteboards, screen-shares, and images while always showing my face. This I believe to significantly increase rentention.

  • Clear overviews at the end of each section outlining the objectives.

  • Practical content

    • all lectures with the exception of the fundamentals section have actionable steps you can take.

    • 3 assignments that get you to build your own IoT Central App and plan for the future

    • 2 quizzes that enhance your retention

What will you learn?

  • Create your own fully managed IoT SaaS (software-as-a-service) that can be easily scaled as the number of global customers grow by using Microsoft IoT Central (UPDATED FOR 2022)

  • Understand the significance of pay-as-you-go pricing models, how to estimate pricing, and avoid surprise bills.

  • Learn about Cloud Computing and Internet of Things from scratch.

  • Understand the trends and opportunities: why SaaS (Software-as-a-service) products are relying on Cloud Solutions and how that relates to the IoT industry.

  • Learn about the major IoT services offered by Microsoft Azure and when to choose between IoT Hub, Azure IoT Central, IoT Edge, and IoT Sphere

  • Review existing cutting-edge IoT apps and brainstorm on products ideas of your own.

  • How to ingest, analyze, and detect patterns in your data using Microsoft Azure Cloud Solutions.

  • Build your first end-to-end no-code prototype using sensor data already available in your home (no additional hardware/electronics purchases are required for this course).

  • Set up your own IoT Central pipeline that ingests data from the real world, provides insights through a customizable front end, and delivers notifications based on custom rules.

  • Join a community of IoT (Internet of Things) tinkerers looking to make their projects a reality by deploying and configuring Azure IoT Central Applications

My name is Manuel Arredondo and I have worked in the software industry for the past decade: from mobile development, real-time client/server communication, and backend.

I love to help others get started in my field because there was never a better time to create.

We’ve got amazing tools that allow you to turn your ideas into reality faster than ever, you just need to take the plunge. I hope to get you excited about this industry and be your guide along the way.

Course Structure

  • Learn fundamentals of Cloud: definitions, benefits, features and historical perspective.

  • Understand the different types of Cloud Services made available by cloud providers such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Google: SaaS (software-as-a-service) , PaaS (platform-as-a-service), IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service).

  • Learn fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT), explore real-life IoT products and get inspired to create your own.

  • Overview of Microsoft Azure Services related to IoT such as Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Sphere, Azure IoT Edge, and understand which ones to use depending on your usecase

  • Create your own Microsoft Azure Account and Subscription so you can configure and deploy your own Azure IoT Central Application

  • Understand the role of pay-as-you-go model and learn how to estimate pricing depending on your chosen architecture.

  • Link your own smartphone/table (iOS or Android) devices

Azure IoT Central for Beginners: Your First IoT Prototype

Your 2022 journey to az-220 Microsoft IoT Developer by building an Internet of Things Azure IoT Central Cloud prototype.»

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