Ansible is one of the Tools for DevOps and infrastructure automation. Automate IT infrastructure easily

During this workshop, you will receive an introduction to Ansible that is geared toward people who have no prior experience with the platform. In this course, you will study the fundamentals of Ansible in order to start applying what you’ve learned as soon as possible after completing the course. Anyone who is interested in learning about Ansible and the core ideas that underpin it, such as IT professionals, developers, operators, DevOps, system administrators, and those in positions comparable to these, is the target audience for this course. Its primary mission is to provide viewers with the knowledge they need to begin using Ansible and the capabilities that it provides, and this is the primary purpose for which it was created. The purpose of this project is to provide a comprehensive overview of the numerous Ansible components and commands that are currently available.

This course will teach you how to use Git and give you assistance in getting started with it so that you may become more productive in your job. The goal of the course is to help you become more productive in your job.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain what Ansible is and how to use this tool

  • Install Ansible

  • Run Ad Hoc Commands in Ansible

  • Working with inventories

  • Ansible important commands and modules

  • Creating and running playbooks

And much more…

Ansible: A Complete Course with Step-by-Step Demo and Labs

Ansible is one of the Tools for DevOps and infrastructure automation. Automate IT infrastructure easily»

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