Two hours of HIIT workouts divided into six workouts of 20 minutes each! Boost your metabolism once a day, start now!
This 20-minute workouts are for daily use and perfect for when you have a busy schedule, but you DO want to have that workout every day. The workouts consist of HIIT exercises making your heart-rate go up and therefore giving your metabolism an extreme boost. Metabolism boost means that you use a lot of energy and as a result burn a lot of calories in a short period of time due to the high intensity of the exercises. HIIT means high intensity interval training.
When I started the course to become a personal trainer, the first question the trainer asked is was: »How long do you think you need to move to boost your metabolism?». From the classroom came answers like: »One hour! An hour and a half! 45 minutes!». The answer was only 20 minutes! Whether it’s going for a walk, jog, cycle, dance or fitness, 20 minutes a day is enough to boost your metabolism!
In these workouts we do ten exercises where we are 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off in an active rest. We repeat those exercises making it a 20-minute workout. Every exercise is given with a modification for beginner, intermediate or advanced, so it doesn’t matter what level you are! So if you are a busy person, whether you are a working mom, an entrepreneur or a student, but you do want to have a good and efficient workout in your day, this is the course for you!
Two hours of HIIT workouts divided into six workouts of 20 minutes each! Boost your metabolism once a day, start now!»
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