How to use your WORDS to mould your desired outcomes, transform your life and create the world you want
When someone in a position of authority speaks about us, it has an impact on us, our outcomes and what becomes of us.
When our inner voice speaks to us in ways that hold our lives back, we need to find out how to change that.
Scenarios like the above, that we all go through is why I have developed this course.
Until I understood how to take control and use my WORDS to move my life in the right direction, I struggled with many aspects of life. Our WORDS carry power and have an impact.
This course shows you how.
It also includes reflection questions and 50 affirmations for various aspects of life: health, money/wealth and interactions/relationships among others.
We can uplift people, create and design our lives, control out thoughts and infuse the right thoughts into our inner voice if we can learn to control, direct and craft our words.
From understanding where words come from, what our words represent, impact of our words, what others say about/to you, how to shape your words to get the right thoughts, inner voice, communicating to people, ensuring your words serve you, using your words to achieve your goals, affirmations, swear words and many more.
I look forward to learning how this course has changed your life. This process changed mine.
How to use your WORDS to mould your desired outcomes, transform your life and create the world you want»
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