Learn to use bank feeds with free accounting software (Wave) from a practicing Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

This course will use free accounting software which is an excellent tool to practice with.

This course will jump right into bank feeds and how to use them.

Many accounting software courses will spend a lot of time talking about how a full-service accounting system works. We do recommend spending time learning the full accounting process, and we do have courses that do just that.

However, many small businesses want to get right down to data input as fast as possible, and others already have a good understanding of the system and want to focus specifically on bank feeds.

We will focus on bank feeds in this course.

For example, some small businesses may be perfectly happy using a cash basis system and will, therefore, not need some of the functions used in a full accounting cycle. Businesses that use a cash basis model can structure their data input to be much more heavily dependent on the bank and bank feed data.

We will discuss types of businesses that fit well into a cash basis model as we work through the practice problems. We will also discuss some problem areas many businesses have and how to set up a system that works for them.

This course will work through a practice problem and will provide test data that learners can use in their system to follow along if they choose.

Wave Accounting

Learn to use bank feeds with free accounting software (Wave) from a practicing Certified Public Accountant (CPA)»

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