Learn about python concepts by practicing 100 best curated questions!

Practice and boost your Python 3 skills with 100 multiple-choice quizzes

I am answering all your questions, usually in less than 24 hours

No slides, no boring theory, no rambling, no chitchat. Just practice

Over 100.000 satisfied students across several e-learning platforms

Python 3 Cheat Sheet and a Certificate of Completion are included

Note! It is strongly recommended that you first go through my Python Complete Masterclass for Beginners course before attempting to solve the practice activities in this course.

Why would you take this course?

  • Do you want to become a better Python Developer without having to spend a lot of money on books and boring theoretical courses?

  • Do you want to expand and solidify your Python skills in an organized way, with the help of 100 quizzes?

  • Do you want to prepare for an interview and upgrade your career in a 100% hands-on fashion, with instructor support available?

  • The questions will help you to tackle any question related to python

What’s this course all about?

  • This is a Python 3 practice course aimed at developers having a great desire to boost their programming skills to the next level.

  • You will have to solve 100 multiple-choice quizzes ranging from beginner to advanced level.

  • This course contains practice activities covering the following Python 3 concepts: strings, lists, tuples, ranges, sets, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, exceptions, functions, file operations, regular expressions, classes and objects, comprehensions, lambda functions, among others.

Important information before you enroll!

  • In case you find the course useless for your career, don’t forget you are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.

  • Once enrolled, you have unlimited, 24/7, lifetime access to the course (unless you choose to drop the course during the first 30 days).

  • You will have instant and free access to any updates I’ll add to the course – video lectures, additional resources, quizzes, exercises.

  • You will benefit from my full support regarding any question you might have and your course colleagues will help you, as well. This is not just a programming course, it’s an amazing learning community!

✔ I strongly encourage you to boost your Python skills and take your job and career to the next level!

Let’s get started! Enroll now and I’ll see you in the first lecture!

✔ I hope you will enjoy the course!

Top 100 python interview questions

Learn about python concepts by practicing 100 best curated questions!»

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