Learn how to develop good habits using principles from Ayurveda, Meditation, Exercises & More

The Perfect Balance Diet is all about keeping ourselves in balance in each of the four areas of life: body, mind, spirit, and space, using the principles behind Ayurveda, India’s Science of Life.

The recipes you get each week help to fill up our tummies with wholesome, delicious, fresh foods that contribute to your overall health and well being.

The articles and videos in the 28 day plan give us food for thought, different ways of thinking about things to encourage mindfulness.

The weekly meditations are means to feed the soul. These are recipes for relaxation that you can use every single day.

And as much as our environment feeds us, we also feed it. Our living space gives us energy, comfort, a place where we can feel safe and centered. It’s important for us to be careful about what we are giving back to the space we live in.

Join us for 28 days and see the benefits for yourself!

The Perfect Balance Diet With Ayurveda

Learn how to develop good habits using principles from Ayurveda, Meditation, Exercises & More»

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