How to teach Adults in Adult Education

This is a course created by an Instructor with a wealth of experience in Adult Education as an Instructor/Lecturer but also as a mature student. Recognising that situations and subjects and teaching/working environment will differ from country to country, educational institution to educational institution, this course is a collection of strategies/tips and overall advice.

But the course does not end there.

Owing to the differences, students are encouraged to post in the Q/A with their specific questions. Post to comment – and/or post for advice.

Topics covered include:

1. Quick tips and when to use them

2. Case Studies

3. Snowballing

4. Key elements of teaching adults

5. Distribution

6. Correcting and corrections

7. Tension

8. How to teach adults

9. Passion

10. Engagement

…and many other topics.

Throughout the lectures real-life examples are given.

How long will this course take to complete?

You could watch the course in a couple of hours – but that’s not really the point. The whole idea is for you to watch and then apply the various strategies and THEN report back via the Q/A. Maybe you will have questions, asking how ‘lecture 6’ can be applied to your class of 50 year-olds etc etc.

See this course as a useful extra to any training you are undergoing as you prepare to teach adults. As you have lifetime access you can therefore ask questions for ever!

Teaching in Adult Education

How to teach Adults in Adult Education»

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