Create and publish, and sell your first children’s book on Amazon KDP in no time and for FREE, Complete KDP tutorial
You’ll self-publish a coloring book on Amazon KDP.
Learn how to use Canva for FREE to create a paperback book cover
Learn how to create an account and publish on the Amazon KDP platform
Do you want to become a PUBLISHED author on KDP?
Do you wish to create a genuinely UNIQUE gift for your child or significant other?
This course will show you how to create, publish a book and have it delivered to your child in just a Few HOURS!
Inside this course, You’ll learn how to:
Set up your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account for FREE in 10 minutes
Create a CUSTOM children’s book for your child or loved one for FREE using the FREE version of Canva
Learn how to Create your book cover using CANVA
Upload the coloring book to the Amazon KDP platform and get published Effortlessly within a day
I published my first book in late 2019 and was fortunate enough to make a lot of sales from it and many other low-content books on Amazon.
The truth is that getting published can be an intimidating process for beginners, but it should not be that way.
Once you self-publish your FIRST low-content book on KDP, you’ll have the confidence to self-publish more and more books and maybe even start a profitable online self-publishing business.
So let’s get started! You’re just minutes away from becoming an Amazon self-published author!
I wish you the best
The Passive Income Gen Z team
Create and publish, and sell your first children’s book on Amazon KDP in no time and for FREE, Complete KDP tutorial»
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