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The Salesforce ADM-201 (Administrator Certification) course is designed to provide knowledge and skills required to administer and manage a Salesforce organization. This course covers topics such as:

  • Salesforce user interface and navigation

  • Data management (e.g. creating custom fields, objects, and custom tabs)

  • Security (e.g. controlling user access, profile management)

  • Workflow and approval processes

  • Customizing reports and dashboards

  • Managing users and deploying updates

  • The use of tools such as Salesforce AppExchange and other third-party applications

  • Best practices for managing and maintaining a Salesforce organization

Upon completion of the course, individuals can take the ADM-201 certification exam to become a certified Salesforce Administrator.

The Salesforce ADM-201 certification exam is a computer-based, multiple-choice and true/false format test. The exam consists of 60 questions and candidates are given 105 minutes to complete the exam. The questions cover a wide range of topics related to Salesforce administration, including data management, security, customization, user management, and best practices.

The exam is designed to test a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of Salesforce administration, as well as their ability to apply that knowledge in a real-world scenario. The questions may include scenario-based questions, drag-and-drop exercises, and questions that require the candidate to configure a feature or process within a simulated Salesforce environment.

The passing score for the ADM-201 exam is 65%. Candidates will receive their exam results immediately after completion and will receive a certification if they pass the exam.

By mastering these skills and concepts, students should be well-prepared to take the ADM-201 certification exam and become a certified Salesforce Administrator.

Salesforce ADM-201 Practice Test 2023

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