Learn about R programming in detail

This R programming course is for complete beginners. If you are a college graduate or Business Analyst or someone who wants to kick start in R programming then you are at right place. This course is specifically designed for beginners.

All the concepts are discussed in detail and practical examples are completed in live classes. Enough practice exercise is provided to practice.

You will start with installation of R and RStudio. You will learn about basic operations in R, Variables, loops, data structures. How to manipulate and work with different data structures. You will also learn about basic statistics required to perform well in Data science projects.

Work with data frames. Import and Export data in CSV and excel format and Visualize your data. All the videos are designed in such a way that a beginner will easily understand. Enough practice exercises are provided to practice  and learn. Resources are provided to learn about R programming in detail.

What you will learn :

  • R and RStudio installation

  • Basic Operations

  • Conditions and Symbols in R

  • Variable and Data types

  • Data Structures

  • Vectors

  • Factors

  • Matrix

  • Array

  • List

  • Data frame

  • Recycling Rule in R

  • Control structures

  • Statistics

  • Data Visualization

At the end of the course you will be able to use R to perform analysis on your data sets.

This course will be regularly updated and new contents will be added on regular basis.

R programming for beginners

Learn about R programming in detail»

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