Full Practice Exams| Original Questions with clear explanation provided for each test | Pass »PCEP Certification»
Welcome to my set of Python PCEP practice exams! No matter if you wish to pass Python PCEP Certified Entry-Level Programmer or check your skills for a junior Python developer interview, these practice tests will help you gain more confidence and recap Python foundations.
PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification shows that the individual is familiar with universal computer programming concepts like data types, containers, functions, conditions, loops, as well as Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment.
Becoming PCEP certified ensures that the individual is acquainted with the most essential means provided by Python 3 to enable her/him to start their own studies at an intermediate level and to continue their professional development.
The tests in this course are fully PCEP-aligned. The type of questions correspond 100% to the certification format. This means the tests are an excellent way to check your skills before you take the exam.
The tests don’t just verify your knowledge, they also teach. The questions come with clear explanations that will help you understand why a certain answer is correct.
You will have 60 minutes to solve each test. The passing score is 80%. Each test contains 50 questions.
What does this course offer you?
This course consists of 5 practice tests similar to what you see in a real certification exam.
Each of the tests consists of 60 questions, timed at 45 minutes
The questions are multiple-choice and multiple-select
Each question is carefully curated to fit the PCEP’s certification goal
Every question is associated with a knowledge area
The answers are randomized every time you take a test
The test covers all the modules as per the PCEP
You can re-take the tests over and over again as and when it suits you.
This course covers the questions from various topics :
Introduction to Python and computer programming
Data types, variables, basic input-output operations, basic operators
Boolean values, conditional execution, loops, lists and list processing, logical and bitwise operations
Functions, tuples, dictionaries, and data processing
Full Practice Exams| Original Questions with clear explanation provided for each test | Pass »PCEP Certification»»
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