Learn Postman for API testing in just one hour and master postman.
Welcome everyone to my Postman course.
My name is Anwer Khan and I will be your instructor throughout this course.
Postman is an API(application programming interface) development tool that helps to build, test and modify APIs. It has the ability to make various types of HTTP requests(GET, POST, PUT, PATCH), saving environments for later use, converting the API to code for various languages(like JavaScript, Python).
Postman is a computer application used for API testing. Postman sends an API request to the web server and receives the response, whatever it is. No extra work or setting up of framework is required while sending and receiving requests in Postman.
First of all, I want to tell you that this course is straight to the point. In which I cover all the important things about the postman. So we will cover more in less time. In this course, first of all, you will learn how to create collections and folders. You will also learn how to create different requests such as post request get request and all other such requests. Then we will test negative requests. You will also learn how to create environment variables. And You will also learn how easily we will add assertions and test our requests. You will learn body assertions, header assertions, JSON assertions and status assertions. You will also learn how to debug using the postman console. Then you will learn how to run all requests at once. And how to export our collections and environment variables and run using a command line.
Once you complete this course you will master postman and you will feel comfortable using postman.
So I hope to see you in this course.
Thank You.
Learn Postman for API testing in just one hour and master postman.»
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