A Paradigm shift

Positive parenting is a parenting principle that assumes children are born good and with the desire to do the right thing. It emphasizes the importance of mutual respect and using positive ways to discipline. The positive parenting approaches focus on teaching proper future behavior instead of punishing past misbehavior.

Many modern parents embrace these gentle parenting principles because they do not want to parent the way they were raised.

Positive parenting means parents can raise happy children in ways that reflect their family values and beliefs. Positive parents are sensitive to their children’s needs, developmental stage and temperament. Among the four Baumrind parenting styles, positive parenting is an authoritative parenting style.

Positive parenting is focused on developing a strong, deeply committed relationship between parent and child based on communication and mutual respect. Positive Parenting focuses on teaching children not just what but also why. Positive parenting means training children toward self-control.

There are three major components to positive parenting:

  • Rules and consequences are laid out, discussed often, and followed through.

  • Parents focus on helping children internalize discipline, rather than obey orders based on fear of punishment, in order to develop self-discipline.

  • Parents use active listening to understand children’s thoughts. This allows parents to correct misunderstandings or mistaken links of logic.

Positive Parenting Strategies

No one said parenting was easy. Children of all ages have their own unique personalities and characteristics. They know how to make you proud and they also learn very quickly what buttons to push to make you angry or pay attention. When your children act out, you may get frustrated and upset because nothing you do or say works.

Positive Parenting Strategies provides parenting ideas that allow your relationship with your child to grow and develop in a healthy way. This course is based on the premise that relationship is the foundation for parenting. We want you to help your child achieve their potential while still caring for yourself in the process.

Who can attend?

Any caregiver who plays a role in parenting toddlers or school-age children.

Anyone interested in establishing secure attachment and positive parenting practices.

What will you learn?

You will build skills for managing your child’s challenging behaviours by understanding:

Your own parenting and family style

How attachment affects how you interact with each other

How to support secure attachment

How different parts of our brains influence parenting

How to repair relationships

Why routines, structure, and setting limits are important

How to better communicate with children

How to care for yourself

By the end of the session, you will feel more comfortable:

Creating effective parenting strategies and giving positive feedback

Setting boundaries, limits, and guidelines

Communicating with your child or children

Providing a nurturing home environment

Solving day-to-day problems and challenges

Positive Parenting- Basic Understanding

A Paradigm shift»

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