Practice tests to pass the PCEP exam 1st attempt
The practice tests within this course contain questions that will allow you to prepare for the PCEP exam, in other terms, you can become a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer in 1 attempt.
PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification is a professional credential that measures the test-taker’s ability to accomplish coding problems related to the essentials of programming in the Python language.
Why take the PCEP Exam?
An individual should take the Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification because it demonstrates their familiarity in the language of Python and can aid the person in trying to acquire or thrive in an entry-level python development job. ($57,000 to $80,000 salary for entry-level jobs)
The questions in this exam come from the following curriculum (According to PCEP-30-02):
1. Computer Programming and Python Fundamentals:
Understanding fundamental terms and definitions
Understanding Python’s logic and structure
Ability to introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems
Ability to choose operators and data types adequate to a problem
Performing Input/Output console operations
2. Control Flow – Conditional Blocks and Loops
Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction
Perform different types of iterations
3. Data Collections – Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings
Collect and process data using lists
Collect and process data using tuples
Collect and process data using dictionaries
Operate with strings
4. Functions and Exceptions
Decomposing code using functions
Organizing interaction between the function and its environment
Understanding the Python Built-In Exception Hierarchy
Understanding the Basics of Python Exception Handling
Practice tests to pass the PCEP exam 1st attempt»
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