Learn payroll fast including QuickBooks payroll training!
Payroll professionals are in high demand!
Payroll is a key element of many businesses. As soon as a business grows enough to need help, payroll becomes an issue.
Why don’t YOU become the solution!
After taking the course you will have the ability complete the payroll process for a business. You will have developed the skillset necessary for a position in a payroll department or for a payroll service.
In this course you learn the basics of payroll from the ground up.
Key Payroll Laws
Hiring Process
Calculating Employee Pay
W-4 and I-9 Demonstration
Employee Benefits
Federal Tax Withholding Calculation
Payroll Accounting
QuickBooks Online Payroll Entries
You begin by understanding the key legislation payroll professionals must know. These laws are in place to protect employees. The company depends on payroll to follow these laws and advise management in their implementation.
Now you are ready to begin the hiring process. On-boarding an employee means you put those laws in action by setting up their employee record. Learn the importance of pay periods. Provide the employees with key documents such as the W-4 and I-9.
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of payroll calculations. Employers and employees will depend on you to calculate the employee pay accurately and in a timely manner. How do benefits get determined? Will benefits be included in the payroll calculation?
Payroll is often included as part of the accounting process. You will learn how to create the journal entry for payroll in a short and to the point lesson. But here is where it gets really powerful, you learn how to use QuickBooks Online to input that payroll transaction.
Want more! You will learn how you can actually practice using QuickBooks Online to do the payroll entry without spending a dime on a QuickBooks subscription. That is right, you can use the QuickBooks testing environment as a free tool for educational purposes!
This course is designed for the true beginner. The lessons are short and to the point.
Learn by doing!
You will also get assignments that are designed for practice. Master complex calculations through practice sessions in Excel.
Join me in this journey to becoming a payroll professional!
Learn payroll fast including QuickBooks payroll training!»
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