Learn insider tricks on how to create an award-winning course from an experienced course creator
Every course developer needs to know the 5 essential things that all courses need to have while ensuring they have the “wow” factor.
Course sales increase significantly if there are good testimonials.
For your course to be engaging and have high learning power, it’s important to ensure it includes methods that help engage adults and provide excellent learning retention.
You will learn the key principles that make a course impactful and successful in this course.
Learners want transformation, not just information; how you do that in your course is critical for them to love your course and want more.
This course is essential for any online course creator who wants to be successful in making an impact on their students.
Designing a high-quality course can be more straightforward if you know the secrets to how adults learn best and what is needed in a successful course.
Spending 20 years as a course design expert, I have learned what makes a course successful. Now you can too.
In this 7-module course, you will learn things like:
Know your audience
Be clear on who you are targeting
Design your course as you would a house
Learning objectives and naming your course
Teaching your course
Best practices and engaging participants
Apply the learning
Practice and Knowledge Checks
Tips and Trick
Agenda and Introductions and Module Summaries
Learn insider tricks on how to create an award-winning course from an experienced course creator»
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