The secret formula of McKinsey slide deck: The art and science of building persuasive business presentations

**Updated for 2023!**

In today’s job market, you are only as good as your presentation skills. As the competition for high-level consulting and management positions becomes increasingly cutthroat, you need a powerful way to make your message stand out from the rest.

My name is John Burress and I’m excited to introduce you to the McKinsey presentation system. During my time as a corporate strategist, I’ve used McKinsey presentations to significantly grow many leading businesses using the same techniques you’ll learn under my instruction.

Recent studies reveal that over 80% of clients intuitively prefer presentations that use the McKinsey system due to its unique mechanics and ease of understanding.

My multi-faceted intensive course will guide you through the intricacies of management consulting presentations and cover a wide range of topics so you can begin utilizing the system for your own clients. You will graduate with a deeper understanding of the principles and best practices needed to compete in today’s job market.

Topics include:

· Exploring the basic blocks of a McKinsey-styled presentation

· Learning storytelling for business

· Writing powerful key messages

· Building smarter storyline

· What’s a storyboard and why do you need one

· Using dot-dash storyline and pyramid principle to craft a compelling storyline

· How to build a presentation like a management consultant from scratch

· Working with tables, words, and graphics

· Understanding simple and complex charts

· Managing presentation nerves

· Setting up your room for presentation

· Tips for handling a Q&A section

· Essential body language techniques of public speaking

Forbes reports that 70% of successful Americans report that presentation skills were critical to the development of their careers. Are you certain your skills are up to par?

If you’re ready to move into the upper echelon of effective communication and presentation success, sign up today. I look forward to meeting you soon.

Management Consulting Presentation Essential Training

The secret formula of McKinsey slide deck: The art and science of building persuasive business presentations»

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