learn how to build your own virtual machines on your Mac
Complete VMWare Fusion Install & Administration
Overview –
In this course we’ll give you an overview of VMware Fusion, discussing how to download and setup VMware Fusion on your own Mac desktop or laptop. We’ll also talk about how you can start setting up and building your own VM’s!
This course will give the necessary skills to get started and will also act as a valuable reference for your continued VMware learning.
In this course we’ll cover –
– What is VMware Fusion.
– Why you would use VMware Fusion
– How to install, setup and configure your own VMware Fusion environment
– How to build, configure and manage Virtual Machines (VM’s)
– Become an expert in administering and managing a VMware Fusion setup
Do I need to be an expert?
No, this course is designed for people who may be starting out with Virtualisation, or those who know a littel but want to learn more. It’ll provide an essential foundation for anyone wanting to learn and become more proficient in building and running your own VM’s in VMware Fusion.
Why this course?
This course will be easy to understand, and will give you an overview of the necessary steps for you to follow.
Hope you find this course helpful!!
learn how to build your own virtual machines on your Mac»
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