All you need to know to be successful with Cloud Automation and Cloud DevOps.

Authored by a Cloud and DevOps engineer, this course will walk you from zero to hero. It explains the concepts related to Infra as Code. It focuses on Azure Cloud platform with all the ecosystem around. The course starts with simple tasks like creating a simple Bicep template, compiling a an ARM JSON template into Bicep and vice versa. Then it evolves to create more advanced templates using variables, different environments (Dev/Test/Prod) until creating modules and registries. It also shows how to automate the deployment of these templates using DevOps pipelines in both Azure DevOps and Github Actions. The author shares his experience working on these kind of deployments every day. At the end of the course, he makes a comparison between Bicep and other OSS famous tools like Terraform.
If you are beginner and willing to learn cloud deployment automation with Azure, then this course is for you. And if you have some experience, then check the course content videos, chances are high you will discover some new tools or concepts.

All the scripts, templates and application code used in this course are available on a public Github repository. They are being updated regularly by the author. So you can fork/clone it and make it yours.

Learn Infra as Code with Azure Bicep

All you need to know to be successful with Cloud Automation and Cloud DevOps.»

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