Learn all the basics of Adobe Xd and what it has to offer.

Adobe XD is a brand new design and prototyping tool created by Adobe specifically for UI/UX designers.

In this course, I will teach you the fundamentals of this new software and show you how to design a beautiful and modern iOS mobile app step by step.

Adobe Xd is a UI/UX tool that allows you to work at breakneck speed to create beautiful designs and user experiences.

Adobe Xd is ideal for design because it is free, cross-platform, vector-based, and receives regular updates.

Hello, my name is Ayman Taher, and you will learn the following in this course:

  • What exactly is Adobe Xd?

  • It provides design tools.

  • Tools for bringing your designs to life

  • How to Work with Various Files

  • How to Distribute Your Work

  • And how to get started with UI Kits in your designs.

This course is designed for beginners and those interested in Adobe Xd. You do not need any prior knowledge of Adobe Xd; we will cover everything in this course.

Using Adobe Xd, you can achieve all of your UI / UX design goals, start your career, share your designs, and improve your skills for free.

This course takes a hands-on approach to learning. There won’t be much theory; it’ll all be about teaching you how to design a real-world mobile product and demonstrating Adobe XD’s full potential.

By the end of the course, you will have a clear understanding of how Adobe XD works and will be able to apply the design techniques, productivity tips, and skills you have learned in your future design projects.

Learn Adobe XD for UI UX Design

Learn all the basics of Adobe Xd and what it has to offer.»

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