Hands-on Technical skills for IT Support Learners
This course is designed to give you a good understanding on IT Support. The course has live real-world hands on training that you can to use in a work environment.
This course will give you the basic knowledge, skills and confidence to being learning IT Support.
The course is designed to help you get familiar with real world technologies used in a work environment.
You will learn the below in this course
What is active directory.
How to share folders.
What is office 365.
How to fix your resume.
What is windows 10 and how to troubleshoot it.
What is a ticketing system and how to get it for free.
How to unlock accounts and reset passwords on active directory
How to access a client with MFA 2 factor authentication
Exchange mailbox access.
How to give someone access to a calendar.
How to answer a phone call with a client.
How to remote into someone machine/pc.
How to troubleshoot hardware issues.
How to apply to jobs.
How to troubleshoot outlook issues.
How to troubleshoot mobile devices.
How to troubleshoot mac/android devices.
What is RSAT Tools?
How to fix an issue with a computer that fell off the domain
Who is this course for:
This is for someone brand new starting out in the job market who has little to entry level skills. This is the perfect combination for someone who read the comptia a+ and wants to learn more about what you see on the job market. Reading the A+ and taking this course will make you well rounded.
Hands-on Technical skills for IT Support Learners»
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