Inbound Marketing Course – Improve Your Skills Today – More Visitors, More Leads and More Customers
The Inbound Marketing Course, as an Internet marketing concept or a strategy, Digital Marketing found its roots in permission marketing and content marketing. As a holistic approach it also incorporates other acknowledged online marketing techniques like search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, e-mail marketing, CRM, web automation etc. The main idea behind Inbound Marketing is to attract visitors to a website by creating and distributing useful content, convert those visitors into leads, earn their trust and then turn them into loyal customers. Inbound Marketing 101 course and KPI & Google Analystics approach is focused on pull marketing techniques rather than push techniques that interrupt the internet users with an advertising message. Therefore, essential for this strategy is to develop high quality and targeted content, make it available on a search engine friendly web site and share the information on the social media and by other effective means (Zlatko, 2015). According to proponents of Inbound marketing, the content marketing is just one part (an important one) of the holistic Inbound marketing strategy.
Why Inbound marketing is more important ?
Traditional marketing: interruptive, marketer/salesperson-centric
Inbound marketing: be part of the conversation, buyer/human-centric
Focus efforts on getting the right people to your site
Empower customers
The Inbound Methodology: attract, convert, close, delight
Analysis is essential to a successful inbound strategy
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The complete digital marketing course
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Inbound Marketing Course – Improve Your Skills Today – More Visitors, More Leads and More Customers»
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