Empower yourself! Become a healer in your own home…Use nature’s gifts for yours and your family’s complete health.

Introduction to Essential Oils

Empower yourself! Naturally. Learn the basics about managing yours (and your family’s) health and wellness with essential oils.

Inside many plants, hidden in the roots, seeds, flowers, and bark, are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils.

Essential oils are the lifeblood of a plant…their «immune system» if you will, and up to 50X more potent than herbs.

Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits.

Understand how they work, and why aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years in many cultures around the world for health and healing.

Learn how to incorporate essential oils into your life for complete well-being.

You will learn more about what essential oils are, where they come from and how they are made.

You will learn how the oils work in the body and how to use them. And, which oils to use to treat most common ailments, along with how and where to purchase the best essential oils on the market today.

You don’t need extensive training to know how to use essential oils effectively. With a basic understanding of safety precautions, and application methods, it is easy to start using essential oils for your health, wellness and happiness!

How to Use Essential Oils for Health and Wellness

Empower yourself! Become a healer in your own home…Use nature’s gifts for yours and your family’s complete health.»

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